Study Material

Student Study Materials

Study Material (MCA)

Subject Course Sem File Format Download
Advanced Computer Networks MCA VI Sem ZIP Download
Object Oriented Programming C++ MCA II Sem ZIP Download
Data Mining MCA IV Sem ZIP Download
Database Management System MCA II Sem ZIP Download
Object Oriented Analysis and Design MCA VI Sem ZIP Download
Oprating Systems MCA II Sem ZIP Download
Software Engineering MCA II Sem ZIP Download
Web Technologies MCA VI Sem ZIP Download

Student Study Materials

Title Subject Course Sem File Format Download
eBook – C++ Complete Reference 3rd Ed H Schild C++ MCA Second PDF Download
Previous year Question papers All (4th Sem) MCA Fourth ZIP Download
Virtual Reality F I T MCA First PDF Download
CLOUD Computing Networking MCA Fourth PDF Download
Previous year Question Papers ALL (3rd Sem) MCA Third ZIP Download


Semester - I

Code No. Subject Question Paper
MCA 101 Fundamental of Information Download
MCA 103 Programming in C Download
MCA 105 Discrete Mathematics Download
MCA 107 Computer Organization Download


Semester - III

Code No. Subject Question Paper
MCA 201 Theory of Computation Download
MCA 203 Computer Graphics Download
MCA 205 Java Programming Download
MCA 207 Data Communication and Networking Download
MCA 209 C# Programming Download


Semester I

Code No. Subject Question Paper
MCA 101 Fundamentals of IT FIT 2012 Download
FIT 2013 Download
FIT Dec 2011 Download
IT 2011 Download
MCA 103 Programming in C C Programming Dec 2011 Download
C Question Paper 2011 Download
Programming in C 2013 Download
MCA 105 Discrete Mathemetics Discrete Mathematics 2011 Download
Discrete Mathematics 2013 Download
Discrete Mathematics Dec 2011 Download
Discrete Maths 2012 Download
MCA 107 Computer Organisation CO 2011 Download
CO 2012 Download
CO 2013 Download
CO Dec 2011 Download
MCA 109 Principles and Practices of Management POM 2012 Download
POM 2013 Download
PPM 2011 Download
PPM 2012 Download
PPM Dec 2011 Download

Semester - II

Code No. Subject Question Paper
MCA 102 Data Structures DS 2012 Download
DS 2013 Download
MCA2 DS 2011 Download
MCA 104 Object Oriented Programming in C++ C++ 2013 Download
MCA2 OOPS 2011 Download
OOPS 2012 Download
MCA 106 Oprating Systems MCA2 OS 2011 Download
OS 2013 Download
OS 2013 Download
MCA 108 Database Management System DBMS 2012 Download
DBMS 2013 Download
MCA2 DBMS 2011 Download
MCA 110 Software Engineering MCA2 SE 2011 Download
SE 2012 Download
SE 2013 Download

Semester - III

Code No. Subject Question Paper
MCA 201 Theory of Computation TOC 2012 Download
TOC 2013 Download
TOC Dec 2011 Download
MCA 203 Computer Graphics CG 2012 Download
CG 2013 Download
CG Dec 2011 Download
MCA 205 Java Programming Java 2013 Download
Java 2013 Download
Java Dec 2011 Download
MCA 207 Data Communication and Networking DCN 2013 Download
DCN 2013 Download
DCN Dec 2011 Download
MCA 209 C# Programming C Sharp 2013 Download
CSharp 2012 Download
CSharp Dec 2011 Download

Semester - IV

Code No. Subject Question Paper
MCA 202 Design and Analysis of Algorithms ADA 2013 Download
ADA 2013 Download
DAA 2012 Download
MCA 204 Data Warehousing and Data Mining DWDM 2013 Download
DWDM 2013 Download
MCA 206 Advanced Computer Networks Computer Network 2012 Download
Computer Network 2013 Download
MCA 208 Object Oriented Analysis and Design OOAD 2012 Download
OOAD 2013 Download
MCA 210 Web Technologies Web Technologies 2012 Download
Web Technologies 2013 Download

Semester - V

Code No. Subject Question Paper
MCA 301 Linux Programming Linux Programming 2012 Download
Linux Programming 2013 Download
MCA 303 Software Testing SOFTWARE TESTING 2012 Download
MCA 305 Enterprise Computing with Java Enterprise java 2012 Download
Enterprise java 2013 Download
MCA 313 Multimedia Technologies Multimedia 2012 Download
Multimedia 2013 Download

Semester - VI

Code No. Subject Question Paper
MCA 302 Dissertation
MCA 362* General Proficiency – IV

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